Tuesday 27 August 2013


when i dont itch with insect irritation
and got nothing that needs a scratch
and no brown rot in my teeth 
and no one laid out in a hospital gown on thick sheets to visit
and there are no urgent scrips to fill
and my trousers fit good and comfy
and everything sits in the right pockets
and my feet are happy and cool where they are
and everyones mood is adequate or better
and the news and the globe are just things outside the dented fence
and the scribbles in the many notebooks are not chaos
and the dishes are kind of done enough for me
and the isnt too much cat litter spilt on the porch floor
and there seems to be Space and Air and Time
and the future is not a black wall of dead bricks
but easy events on a blue horizon
and there might be a good movie waiting on the coffee table
and i'm not too tired to think
and the tentacle mutants climbing out the bookcase are a forgotten dream
and the book open on the kitchen table among the friendly scatter of crumbs can hold me and impresses me but wont make me feel small
and the radio is gentle and no white static yell
and nicotine gum and cold water are enough for now

and breath out slow

and file it all away for a mental apocalypse day
when i need to 
that these times happen

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