

Ford Dagenham; born in refinery glare, South Essex.  Age ten Ford met Duncan Goodhew MBE at a charity swimming gala.  Age thirty five he became allergic to beer.  He works locally for the NHS. 
His education marred by teacher strikes and arson, Ford attended Crewe Polytechnic, failing to complete a term.  Ford’s 90’s, spent working night shifts in a shopping mall, destroyed his body clock forever.
Unemployment found Ford publishing poetry in Anchor Books and Poetry Now anthologies under pseudonyms.  Ford also failed to complete a first novel.  The DHSS suspended his benefit five times.
Ford took ancillary work in hospital and attended the University Of Greenwich, failing to complete a term.  Returning to hospital he failed to complete a second novel.
Ford’s poetry and prose is found online in litzines like Beat The Dust.  Ford writes short hospital prose and lyrics with Hong Kong based no-wave folkbeat band Leggo.
Ford photographs supermarket toys, starts bonfires with books by Dan Brown and Jeffrey Archer and supports London’s invigorated gin industry.  His Sloppy Joes and jerk chicken are the hottest in the UK, often enjoyed by visiting single mothers. 
A rock snob, Ford collects LPs and is learning the ukulele.  Ford is currently considering attending the University of East London.
A Canvey Island of the Mind is Ford’s first complete published collection. 

1 comment:

  1. A rare sighting indeed.
    I must prove I am not a robot by checking a box?
    Well, this robot can lie.
